Entries by Dana Westberg, CPhT

2024-2025 Self-Audit Series #12: Electronic Prescriptions

This month’s article will wrap up the 2024-2025 Self-Audit Series. Our focus for this article is electronic prescriptions and their potential audit risks. Electronic prescriptions have solved some problems (e.g., indecipherable handwriting), but have also created new problems. By focusing on the following tips when reviewing your electronic prescriptions, you can help prevent significant recoupments. […]

2024-2025 Self-Audit Series #11: Controlled Substance Prescriptions

The opioid epidemic continues to make controlled substance prescriptions an increased focus for PBM audits. The potential for fraud, diversion, overdoses, and abuse remains high and pharmacies must stay vigilant when dispensing these prescriptions. Due to federal and state requirements, controlled substance prescriptions have an increased risk of audit discrepancies. When found discrepant, PBMs typically […]

2024 Self-Audit Series #10: Nasal and Oral Inhaler Prescriptions

Nasal and oral inhaler prescriptions are frequently targeted for audit by all PBMs. Not only have these medications increased in cost but are frequently billed incorrectly, creating the potential for easy recoupments. Pharmacy staff should be trained to accurately bill days’ supply for all inhalers. PAAS National®® has created tools for our members to aid […]

2024 Self-Audit Series #9: Eye Drop Days’ Supply

Billing the accurate days’ supply for eye drops can be challenging. Despite what is drilled into pharmacists during schooling, there is no industry standard for drops/mL, and PBMs often use their own specific conversion factors.

2024 Self-Audit Series #7: Migraine Medications

In recent years, there has been a notable increase in the number of medications prescribed for migraine prevention and treatment. This increase leads to additional audit risks.

The Need for Clarification on Prescription Labels

Pharmacy staff frequently receive prescriptions from prescribers that lack (or are missing) complete quantities or instructions for use. Clarifying these details before dispensing can help prevent audit discrepancies.