Entries by Dana Westberg, CPhT

Update to PAAS’ Onsite Credentialing Guidelines

PAAS National® has created an Onsite Credentialing Guidelines, an extensive checklist to assist PAAS members with scheduled and/or unexpected visits from PBM auditors. Unannounced visits can catch pharmacy staff off guard when the Pharmacist-in-Charge (PIC) is not present.

Is Your Pharmacy Ready for an Unannounced Audit?

Pharmacies are often startled with the limited amount of time a PBM offers prior to an onsite audit. However, PBM auditors, DEA agents, FDA inspectors and state Board of Pharmacy inspectors can also make unannounced visits.

Yes, OTC COVID-19 Tests Can Be Audited!

Dispensing OTC COVID-19 tests is widespread through community pharmacies. Pharmacies must be aware that submitting claims to PBMs for these tests opens the window for auditing. Ensuring you have procedures in place to accurately purchase, bill and dispense these home tests is imperative. While the dollar amount of these claims does not seem audit worthy, PBMs will be checking for Fraud, Waste and Abuse and contract violations.