Entries by Eric Hartkopf, PharmD

OptumRx Auditing for Medical Supplies Billed Under Medicare Part D

In March 2024, PAAS National® analyst assisted nearly 100 pharmacies with desk audits from OptumRx requesting documentation related to claims for medical supplies (primarily alcohol swabs) that were processed by OptumRx under the Medicare Part D benefit.

Caremark Notice of Breach – Aberrant Practices and Trends

PAAS National® analysts have recently assisted multiple pharmacies that received faxed notifications from Caremark that their pharmacy has “breached” the PBM Agreement by exceeding an arbitrary 25% threshold (by $ or # of claims) on the Aberrant Product List for their total claims dispensed in January 2024.

Caremark Bulk Purchase Notification

PAAS National® analysts continue to see a large volume of Caremark invoice audits. Remember that Caremark will only review aggregate purchases over the selected date range plus the 30 days prior to. If pharmacies want Caremark to consider purchases made prior to the selected date range, then there must be a “bulk purchase notification” on file in accordance with Section 8.05 of the Caremark Provider Manual.