Entries by Eric Hartkopf, PharmD

Major PBMs Announce “Cost Plus” Pharmacy Networks

In the fourth quarter of 2023, two of the “Big 3” PBMs announced that they will introduce new reimbursement methods for network pharmacies in the coming year(s) based on Cost Plus formulas in place of the typical AWP Minus terms.

Best Practices for Financial Hardship Waivers

PAAS National® analysts have noticed an increase in PBM audits focusing on copay collection. These audits requested a copy of the pharmacies’ policies and procedures addressing copay collection and financial hardship.

Caremark Invoice Audits – Pharmacy to Pharmacy Purchases

PAAS National® continues to see PBM audits increase as we get further out from the formal end of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency. One disturbing trend is the number of invoice audits, particularly from Caremark.