Entries by Eric Hartkopf, PharmD

Considerations With Ozempic 0.25 Weekly

PAAS National® analysts receive many questions on Ozempic® relating to concerns about off label use; however, we also receive questions about what days’ supply to submit on claims – particularly for initiation dosing.

Invoice Audits Are on the Rise – Are You Prepared for Success?

Most pharmacies have grown accustomed to desk audits and providing copies of prescriptions, signature logs, and even copay collection records to PBMs upon request. Additionally, many pharmacies can recount their most recent experience with an onsite auditor visiting their pharmacy and the numerous questions related to operations, policies & procedures, and credentialing. However, not as many pharmacies have experienced an invoice audit – the stakes are higher and honest mistakes can lead to very expensive lessons in the process.

Are You Missing Audit Communications?

PAAS National® analysts have recently seen many PBMs and audit contractors send communications, including audit letters, to network pharmacies via email instead of facsimile or postal mail.

Billing Guidance: When to Use DAW 0 vs DAW 9

PAAS National® analysts frequently see PBM audit results where auditors have flagged claims with ‘incorrect DAW code submitted’ – while these are often educational discrepancies, it is important to understand the implications of incorrect DAW code submission and develop a consistent process for pharmacy staff to follow.