Medi-Span® Generic Product Identifier
Health Information Technology vendors in the pharmacy industry utilize large drug compendia databases to manage electronic drug files so that electronic transactions are all “speaking the same language”.
As an Analyst, I focus on providing pre- and post-audit assistance, answering various member service questions, and researching & drafting articles for the Third-Party Newsline. I work with many of our members involved with invoice audits.
I obtained my PharmD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Pharmacy and worked for a major chain as well as various LTC and independent pharmacies, before coming to PAAS.
I am passionate about learning and teaching. I strive to learn something new about PBM audits every day, so that PAAS can be more knowledgeable to better serve our members! In 2018, I started traveling to state pharmacy conferences to present audit seminars and meet our wonderful members in person.
Health Information Technology vendors in the pharmacy industry utilize large drug compendia databases to manage electronic drug files so that electronic transactions are all “speaking the same language”.
PAAS National® analysts have seen numerous PBM audit results where pharmacies had recoupments related to patient or prescriber denials of medications. Pharmacies are able to appeal by obtaining signed statements to overturn the denials.
PAAS National® analysts have recently worked with multiple pharmacies that received Compound Contract Violation notices from Caremark stating that the pharmacy must cease and desist submitting claims for “complex compounds” and reverse claims provided on an attached list.
Numerous PBMs are conducting audits and asking for proof of copay collection.
Without question, vaccine claims are on the rise! Consider a few best practices to reduce your risk of audit recoupments.
Two oral products have received Emergency Use Authorization for the treatment of COVID-19 infection – PaxlovidTM (Pfizer) and Molnupiravir (Merck).
Pharmacies have recently reported receiving telephone calls from Caremark’s audit department regarding claims for AndroGel® (testosterone) pump (and generics) related to incorrect package size billed.
The U.S. Department of Justice issued a press release on September 30, 2021, outlining that a former public official accepted “gratuities” (aka gifts or kickbacks) in exchange for referring business to a specific outside vendor.
PAAS National® analysts frequently field questions about billing insulin and related supplies – this can be particularly confusing when the patient has Medicare coverage. Coverage of insulin and related supplies may depend on both the type of Medicare benefit and how the item is being used. Specifically, insulin vials and alcohol swabs could be covered under either Medicare Part B or Part D!
The coverage for COVID-19 vaccine may be under the pharmacy benefit (via NCPDP standard) or the medical benefit (via CPT codes). Here is a summary of billing information known to PAAS National® as of December 23, 2020.
Office Hours: 8am - 5pm CST
160 Business Park Circle,
Stoughton, WI 53589
Phone: 888.870.7227 or 608.873.1342
Fax: 608.873.4009