Entries by Sara Hathaway, PharmD

Caremark® Expands “Aberrant” Language & Restricts Bulk Purchases

As mentioned in PAAS’ December 2021 Newsline article about PBM provider manual updates, Caremark® traditionally mails a paper hardcopy of their full provider manual on even years, and only amendments on odd years. With 2022 being an even year, contracted pharmacies should have received a full paper copy of the 2022 provider manual.

Top Medications Flagged for Unauthorized Substitutions

PAAS National® analysts have repeatedly seen auditors targeting claims with potentially undocumented substitution issues. They hope to find inappropriate substitutions which may result in recoupment of the claim.

HIPAA Guidance Regarding COVID-19 Vaccination Status in the Workplace

On September 30th, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Office for Civil Rights (OCR) released guidance regarding the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 Privacy Rule and its application to the workplace, specifically discussing the disclosure and request of COVID-19 vaccination status.

PREP Act Ninth Amendment – Overview and Audit Guidance for Subcutaneous REGEN-COV

The ninth amendment to the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act was published in the Federal Register on September 14th, 2021, which granted pharmacists the authority to order and administer COVID-19 therapeutics and qualified pharmacy technicians and pharmacy interns to administer COVID-19 therapeutics under the supervision of a pharmacist.

FWA and HIPAA Compliance with Job Shadows and Interns

Students performing a job shadow or internship in the pharmacy need proper FWA/HIPAA training and preparation to be behind the pharmacy counter or you are inviting headaches into your operations (and potential legal complications).

Pitfalls of Transferred Prescriptions

Transferred prescriptions are at high risk for audit recoupments. Every element required by state regulations is one additional pitfall that PBMs utilize to try and recoup on claims.